Flow Playground

Core Events

Core events are events emitted directly from the FVM (Flow virtual machine). The events have the same name on all networks and don't follow the standard naming.

Account Created

Event that is emitted when a new account gets created.

Event name: flow.AccountCreated

pub event AccountCreated(address: Address)
addressAddressThe address of the newly created account

Account Key Added

Event that is emitted when a key gets added to an account.

Event name: flow.AccountKeyAdded

pub event AccountKeyAdded(address: Address, publicKey: [UInt8])
addressAddressThe address of the account the key is added to
publicKey[UInt8]Public key added to an account

Account Key Removed

Event that is emitted when a key gets removed from an account.

Event name: flow.AccountKeyRemoved

pub event AccountKeyRemoved(address: Address, publicKey: [UInt8])
addressAddressThe address of the account the key is removed from
publicKey[UInt8]Public key removed from an account

Account Contract Added

Event that is emitted when a contract gets deployed to an account.

Event name: flow.AccountContractAdded

pub event AccountContractAdded(address: Address, codeHash: [UInt8], contract: String)
addressAddressThe address of the account the contract gets deployed to
codeHash[UInt8]Hash of the contract source code
contractStringThe name of the the contract

Account Contract Updated

Event that is emitted when a contract gets updated on an account.

Event name: flow.AccountContractUpdated

pub event AccountContractUpdated(address: Address, codeHash: [UInt8], contract: String)
addressAddressThe address of the account the contract gets updated on
codeHash[UInt8]Hash of the contract source code
contractStringThe name of the the contract

Account Contract Removed

Event that is emitted when a contract gets removed from an account.

Event name: flow.AccountContractRemoved

pub event AccountContractRemoved(address: Address, codeHash: [UInt8], contract: String)
addressAddressThe address of the account the contract gets removed from
codeHash[UInt8]Hash of the contract source code
contractStringThe name of the the contract